With so much information readily available these days online, it’s only natural that most people do a lot of research before making decision to have a plastic surgery procedure. Almost everyone wants to view before and after pictures, read reviews of the surgeons, and be given a post-operative checklist.
But for some, that’s not enough–more and more people are researching detailed information about the surgery itself long before they ever set foot in our office for a consultation. How long does it take? Where are the incisions? Will my implants be over the muscle, or under? I’m having liposuction on the front and back of my body: when will they flip me over?
Rather than give more lists, I decided to follow our surgeons straight into the operating room myself and document a day in their lives. Throughout the summer, I will join Dr. Bruce White, Dr. William Huffaker, Dr. Herluf Lund, and Dr. Christian Prada in different surgical procedures, so I can see how they operate, take photos, and maybe even shoot some video. Hopefully, by sharing this insight, I’ll help some future patients to make their choices even more confidently.
If there is anything specific you’d like me to write about, let me know. And if you just can’t wait and you’d like to view a full surgery right now, here’s a past clip of Dr. Huffaker performing a Mommy Makeover.
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