Man jogging after post weight loss surgery in St. Louis, MO.

What to Expect From Post-Weight Loss Surgery

After losing weight, body contouring can be a very satisfying experience. Many patients want to complete their transformation by getting rid of loose skin or excess tissue. Thanks to modern medicine, men and women today have many options for sculpting and toning their bodies. But how does post-weight loss surgery work exactly? Our St. Louis-area patients often have many questions about what their cosmetic surgery journey will specifically involve.

In this blog post, we’ll explain the before, during, and after of what you can expect from post-weight loss surgery.


Body contouring surgery after significant weight loss isn’t a one-size-fits-all procedure. You can work together with your doctor to determine the combination of body contouring treatments that will work best for you.

Your initial consultation is an opportunity to share your goals with your surgeon. And based on your discussion and your physical health, your doctor will create a comprehensive surgical plan to address your personal needs.

The main goal of post-weight loss surgery is to remove sagging skin and improve the shape of the body. Common treatments to achieve this objective include a tummy tuck, arm lift, or thigh and buttock lift. Liposuction is often added to these procedures to remove unwanted pockets of fat that linger after weight loss. With the help of Vectra 3D Imaging, you’ll be able to see a visual simulation of each procedure and choose the one that’s right for you.


An anesthetic is typically administered during your surgery to ensure your comfort. The doctor makes carefully planned incisions to remove targeted areas of tissue and fat. Sutures and skin adhesives are then applied to help close the skin incisions and help the body heal.

The length of a patient’s operation will depend on the procedures they have personally chosen. Many patients combine a suite of useful procedures, as significant weight loss can affect multiple areas of the body. It is generally safe to undergo multiple procedures at once, as long as you are under the care of a responsible, board-certified plastic surgeon.


Recovery time varies from patient to patient. Downtime also depends on the nature of the surgery and the procedures you decided to combine. Most patients report feeling more comfortable 1 to 2 weeks after surgery. Most of the swelling should subside after around 6 weeks.

Be sure to follow any postoperative instructions given to you by your doctor. You will have a handful of follow-up appointments to inspect your incision sites or remove any surgical drains that were in place to reduce fluid buildup.

Losing a significant amount of weight can be a life-changing experience. Post-weight loss surgery further sculpts your body, helping you to enjoy your brand-new look fully.

If you would like to learn more about post-weight loss surgery from experienced doctors in the St. Louis area, request a consultation online. You can also call our practice by phone at (636) 530-6161.


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