Tag: exercise
Trying to Reduce Fat? CoolSculpting® Makes More “Cents”
It’s resolution season! If you’re like millions of Americans, you’ve probably made a commitment to embrace more healthy habits in 2019, whether it’s drinking more water or finally taming your muffin top. But before you shell out for a gym membership, allow us to recommend an option that can help you take a shortcut to…
Working Out After Breast Augmentation: The Dos and Don’ts
The women who undergo breast augmentation here at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery are a diverse bunch, but many of them are health-conscious people who enjoy working out regularly. For these women eager to maintain their routines, it can be tough to take the necessary time off from exercise after surgery. As we tell our patients,…
Stop reading, get moving!
“I’m going to exercise more.” It’s one of the most common, and most easily dropped New Year’s resolutions. We all have such good intentions, and most of us know how good we feel after we work out. But getting there is hard, and sometimes, we need a swift kick to get us moving. So for…
Stop blowing smoke: quit smoking for good
According to an article on time.com about the most commonly broken New Year’s Resolutions, only 15% of people who try to quit smoking on January 1 actually manage to stay smoke-free for more than six months. With odds like that, it’s no wonder why many people don’t even give it a shot. But the benefits of…