Every woman wants to feel sexy, and Victoria’s Secret is known world-wide for making women feel beautiful and sexy. This month, St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery would like to pass that gift along to 4 lucky Pinterest followers in the form of $50 Victoria’s Secret gift cards! From lingerie to silky lotions, they’ve got everything you need to feel feminine and sexy.
The Rules:
1. Follow us: pinterest.com/stlcosmsurgery
2. Find our board titled “Angels in February”
3. Watch for us to post photos of our office angel with inspirational quotes.
4. Repin the images to your OWN new board, also titled “Angels in February”
5. Tag the image with #stlouiscosmeticsurgery
We’ll enter everyone who repins into a drawing, and we’ll draw a winner each Thursday afternoon in February.
No purchase necessary to win. Winners will be announced on Pinterest. Gift cards must be picked up in our spa.

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