Medical Grade Skin Care: the Proof is in the Serum!

We often host lunches and special events for our Cosmetic Elite Members, and today we decided to focus on education. Together with our SkinMedica rep, Robyn, our Elite lunch and learn for the day taught our attendees the importance of buying your skin care from a reputable physician.

With all the commercials on TV touting Oil of Olay, or celebrities like Jennifer Garner hawking Neutrogena, or friends of friends selling skincare on Facebook…it’s tempting for patients to believe the hype with these products. But when it comes to skin, scientific studies are more important than celebrity endorsements, and let’s face it, the employee at the counter of the Walgreens probably isn’t going to be able to produce the studies proving the efficacy of the products they sell. But at a medical spa presided over by board certified surgeons, the science is easily accessed.

Estheticians can also examine your skin and determine what type of skin you have, and therefore what products are right for you. Just because a product is popular doesn’t mean it’s right for you, and the wrong product can actually do more harm than good. The way a product is applied matters as well…too much can be a problem, as can putting products on in the wrong order. Our medical estheticians went to school to study skin, they are truly experts and can direct you to the proper products for your skin type, better than a generic commercial can.

Whether you’ve been using over the counter products for years, or you’re looking to start a skincare regimen for the first time, let our medical estheticians set you on the path to proven results.

Discussing the SkinMedica GRASS regimen (Growth Factors, Retinols, Antioxidants, Specialty products, and Sunscreen) at our lunch and learn for Cosmetic Elite Members.11406800_10207324012444910_4256753936094294534_n


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