During the month of February, much is made about the concept of “loving yourself.” Whether it’s meant to take  the focus off of romantic love, or it’s meant as a self-empowerment tool, our society has become increasingly aware of the benefits of self-care.

However, the concept means different things to different people. Does it mean you take care of yourself by exercising daily, or eating healthy foods? Does it mean you schedule “me” time often? Does it mean a glass of wine at night with Downton Abbey, or a shopping day with a friend? Does it mean a day at the spa with your daughter, or a good book at the end of the night?

We believe in all of those things, and more–whatever works for you.  As we celebrate love, in all of its forms, we want to help our patients love the most important person in their lives. With every surgical procedure this month, we’re giving away $250 to our Medical Spa, to pamper yourself as you please.

Not only do we want to pamper you, we want you to tell us exactly what else works for you. The Oxford dictionary made “selfie” a legitimate term, so show us your selfies while working out, eating healthy, getting pedicures–whatever! We’ll share them on social media, and every person who plays along will be entered in a drawing at the end of the month for a FREE spa service. You can post on our Facebook page, tag us on Instagram, or email them to [email protected]. Just don’t forget to include your contact info so we can notify you if you win.

Good luck…and “love” to all.
