Little girl kissing mom on the cheek

Labiaplasty: The Perfect Addition to Mommy Makeover

In the world of cosmetic surgery, labiaplasty is still a relatively new addition. As its popularity grows, more and more women recognize its value as an addition to mommy makeover surgery. Most of the women considering labiaplasty here at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery have a lot of questions about the procedure, as well as its role in a mommy makeover.

A mommy makeover is a single surgery that’s comprised of several different procedures, intended to repair and rejuvenate some of the areas that are most affected by pregnancy. Although there is no official “standard” for a mommy makeover, most of them involve some sort of breast enhancement along with a tummy tuck or liposuction.

But labiaplasty, a procedure that improves the appearance of the labia and can enhance sexual function, is also a natural fit for the surgery, because it too improves an area of the body affected by pregnancy. It’s a relatively minor procedure that can be easily performed in conjunction with other procedures, as well.

Labiaplasty treats the labia minora, which are the smaller lips within the labia majora. Women who feel that their labia minora are enlarged can be annoyed by discomfort during exercise or embarrassed in tight-fitting clothes or during intimacy.

Many women are eager to start the mommy makeover process as soon as possible, but both Dr. Lund and I warn against having the surgery less than 6 weeks postpartum. It’s important to let the vulvar and vaginal structures heal fully before moving forward with any surgery, even a minor procedure such as labiaplasty.

How minor? Women who have labiaplasty are pleased to discover that the necessary recovery period isn’t very long at all. Most patients head back to work after less than a week. Of course, when performed as part of a mommy makeover, the overall recuperation period is a bit lengthier.


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