Skiing, rowing, biking–Dr. Lund preaches health and fitness to his patients, and he lives it as well.
What activities do you do to stay fit?
Dr. Lund: I try to go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week depending upon my work schedule. My workout starts with a thirty minute aerobic session during which I will increase my heart rate to maximum plus for my age group. One of my favorite machines for this is the Concept 2 rowing machine which is also a favorite of crew team training everywhere. After my aerobic session, I will work an hour on weights rotating one day on arms and upper body, one day lower body, and one day on core strength. Rotating the days is the key to avoid an overuse injury. Now that ski season is approaching, I will add more time to increase strength training of my legs especially my quads and hamstrings. I will also increase my flexibility training.

What is your favorite activity?
Dr. Lund: Hard to say. I do really enjoy skiing but then again, I like playing golf and riding a bike too. In the summer months, canoeing is also fun. Also, when I am serving as the Camp Doctor at Camp Chippewa in Minnesota, there are numerous activities I try to join in on with the campers.
Is there anything new you would still like to try?
Dr. Lund: Two things. Hiking, and I mean hiking trails like the Appalachian Trail or down into the Grand Canyon. Also, since I do spend so much time on the Concept 2 rowing machine, I would like to see what it feels like to actually be in a crew boat.
How important is exercise when it comes to maintaining plastic surgery results?
Dr. Lund: Of course different types of plastic surgery respond better to exercise than others but I believe the more fit you are, the better lasting your results will be. The same is true for before surgery. The better shape the patient is in before surgery, usually the better result they will have after surgery.
What do you say to patients who want plastic surgery but do not want to exercise?
Dr. Lund: I remind them of the limitations of plastic surgery alone and that in order to get the best result, and who doesn’t want the best result, then a team approach is needed. Everyone, including the patient, doing their part.
How soon after surgery do you advise patients on working out?
Dr. Lund: I try to get my patients up and moving as soon as possible. With different surgeries, there are different activity restrictions so there is no set time that I have my patients back in a gym or exercising. Also, each patient is different and they recover at different rates so I tailor my exercise recommendations individually.
What is the best post-surgical activity for someone who had a breast augmentation? Tummy Tuck? Facelift?
Dr. Lund: The one thing everyone can and should do is to perform some type if physical activity for 30 minutes every day if possible. This is a proven health benefit for all and also helps maintain weight control, bone density, and prevention of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.
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