Category: Regulations
The Danger with Black Market Buttock Injections
A June 24, 2015 story on CNN discussed the rapidly increasing complications from black market buttock augmentations. As the popularity of certain desired fuller buttock shapes has increased, so has the illegal and very dangerous black market for buttock enhancement. More and more patients are getting injected with industrial grade silicone and other unknown and…
Before you consider a “Botox Party,” do your homework.
This morning in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, an article was published highlighting “Botox and wine parties,” an increasingly popular trend among women wishing to look younger. Women gather at a spa and bring their friends, drink wine, and get in line for discounted injections. While this may seem like a fun idea, there are…
How will the Affordable Care Act impact our cosmetic procedures?
On January 1, 2014, millions of Americans will have new health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. While our services at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery are cosmetic, and therefore not covered by insurance, our patients may still feel the effects on the healthcare industry. When patients come in to our office to schedule a breast…
Unsafe buttock injections in the news
I just finished reading a very sad report in the Minneapolis StarTribune about the increasing numbers of complications and deaths being caused by illegal buttock injections. The exact numbers are hard to define, but one non-medical website offering buttock injections has had tens of thousands of hits and gets more every day. The precise number…
Labiaplasty: What is it, and why is it suddenly trendy?
Here at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery, we notice that trends in plastic surgery often come and go, but one trend in particular has a lot of women (quietly) asking the question: can I change how I look down there? There is no question that labiaplasty, the surgical improvement of female labia, is quickly becoming a…
“Life Without Lawyers”
I just finished reading a very interesting new book titled, “Life Without Lawyers” by Philip K. Howard. Yes, I admit that it was the very interesting title that first drew my attention to this book as I cruised the new book section of my local library but strangely enough, the book really doesn’t beat-up on…