Category: Breast Augmentation
Pre-operative Sizing and Breast Augmentation
Ok, first I will admit, this is a very biased blog report but then again, it should be since we-the surgeons of St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery- have been using pre-operative sizing before breast augmentation for over ten years and this study just told us what we already knew. Patients who undergo pre-operative sizing before breast…
Awake Breast Augmentation?
This is a new one for me—How about “Awake Breast Augmentation?” Yes, there are some sites advertising that you can be “wide awake” for your breast augmentation surgery. By “awake”, they mean not done with any general or IV anesthesia. The procedure is done under local anesthesia with the patient taking medications by mouth for…
Breast Implant Failure Rate
Wow! It has been a long time since I contributed to this blog and lots of stuff has happened in the world of plastic surgery during the intervening time. Hopefully, now that the holidays and major medical meetings are out of the way as well as taxes, I can get back into the habit of…
Mommy Makeover and Breasts: Is There Any Hope?
In the last installment of my on-going blog about the “Mommy-Make-Over”, I discussed facial treatments for melasma, stretch marks, and tummy tucks. In this segment, I would like to address breast procedures that are often part of a “Mommy-Make-Over” package. Before I start, let’s kill some myths. Myth #1, while nursing is good for your…
Gummy Bear Breast Implants?
No, we are not pulling your leg. This is a nickname that has been given to a new type of breast implant that is under study for possible approval by the Food and Drug Administration for both breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. As a matter of disclosure, three of the surgeons at St. Louis Cosmetic…
Most Common Procedures
The most common procedure the plastic surgeons at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery perform is breast augmentation. As you can imagine, we-the plastic surgeons-get a lot of questions about breast augmentation and particularly about breast implants. I thought it would be interesting to look over some of the more recent studies looking at breast implants hoping…
Pain Pumps
The plastic surgeons at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery have been using pain pumps in certain types of surgical procedures for almost 8 years to provide our patients with optimal pain management during their recovery after surgery. We started doing so after reading studies in the orthopedic medical literature that demonstrated that patients who had undergone…
Are Silicone-Gel Implants Safe?
Rarely does a day go by when I am in the office without a patient asking me this question. As part of my continuing look at breast implants, I thought this would be a good opportunity to review this subject and hopefully settle some of the concerns patients may have about the safety of silicone-gel…