Video Library

When it comes to learning about your plastic surgery procedure, your surgeon, or our practice as a whole, sometimes words only go so far. Here, explore our selection of videos to get a better sense of what you can expect at our Missouri plastic surgery practice.

The Latest Techniques and Technology

[feature-video caption=”St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery offers full-service aesthetic treatments”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Nathan discusses patients’ reaction to plastic surgery”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Nathan addresses the changing approach to facial rejuvenation”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Nathan talks about achieving natural-looking results with plastic surgery”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Lund discusses the latest options for breast augmentation and fat transfer”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Lund discusses plastic surgery options for women ages 25 – 35″][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Nathan discusses plastic surgery procedure options for men”][/feature-video]

Sharing Their Passion for Plastic Surgery

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Lund talks about improving imperfections with plastic surgery”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Prada discusses the art and science of plastic surgery”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Prada shares his passion for plastic surgery procedures”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Plastic surgery is no longer something to be ashamed of!”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Prada shares a story about plastic surgery for his family”][/feature-video]

The Plastic Surgery Consultation

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Prada talks about the plastic surgery consultation process”][/feature-video]


[feature-video caption=”Dr. Lund addresses setting realistic goals with plastic surgery”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”What to expect during a plastic surgery consultation”][/feature-video]

The Importance of Researching Your Plastic Surgeon

[feature-video caption=”Plastic surgery reviews and testimonials are becoming more popular”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Dr. Nathan discusses the importance of choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon”][/feature-video]

Getting Started

[feature-video caption=”What Makes an Ideal Plastic Surgery Candidate”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”From the Beginning”][/feature-video]

Meet Our Doctors

[feature-video caption=”Meet Dr. Lund”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Meet Dr. Prada”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Meet Dr. Nathan”][/feature-video]

Ask Patients

[feature-video caption=”Ask Patients: Our Procedures”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Ask Patients: Confidence”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Ask Patients: Our Team”][/feature-video]


[feature-video caption=”What You Need to Know Before Getting Plastic Surgery”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”The Transformative Power of a Mommy Makeover”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”Mommy Makeover from St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery”][/feature-video]

[feature-video caption=”MDPen”][/feature-video]


Get started at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery today. [consultation]Request your consultation[/consultation] online or call us at [phone] to set up your visit.