“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” –Helen Keller

Every year, millions of people resolve to be happy on January 1, vowing to fix all that is wrong in their lives in order to feel or look better: they vow to lose weight, to quit smoking, to eat better, or to exercise more often. While all of these goals are worthwhile, people often need a little help and encouragement along the way. Changing your life, as it turns out, is a long, sometimes difficult process that requires more than just a promise to yourself.

Our goal at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery is always to help you feel better about yourself. Therefore, this month, we will examine some of the most common resolutions, and offer tips on how to make the journey to a healthier you a little bit easier. Whether it is by sharing workout tips, showcasing healthy recipes, or offering words of encouragement to help you move more, we think every little bit helps when you’re trying to make a true lifestyle change.

If you’ve made resolutions of your own, what are they, and how are you making sure you stick to them?



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