Want Healthy Skin? Start from Within!

Everyone knows the old saying: you are what you eat. Here at St. Louis Cosmetic Surgery Medical Spa, we encourage our patients to not only follow the skin care regimens our estethicians recommend, but to eat healthy as well. There are many foods out there that are wonderful for the skin, and healthy for the body to boot. Here are some of our favorites, along with coorsponding recipes. Happy eating, and add on a glass of red wine a day for extra benefits!

Berries, especially blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries.

Blueberry Oat Squares
Blueberry Lavender Mojitos
Strawberry Banana Smoothies

Pumpkin Seeds

Spelt Pumpkin Muffins with Carob Chips


Orange Rosemary Salmon


Mango Salsa

Through October 17, 2012, follow us on Pinterest and play along during our “Pin it to Win it” contest for Spa Patient Appreciation 2012!


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